Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stranger in Foreign Land Part 1

Stranger in a Foreign Land {Part 1}
Written By: Tonya Parham (Jan. 2012)
(pictures by: 'foreign planet', 'loss consciousness)

Daniel Stroms is the name. Now, I am about to tell you a story about a life shifting reality that happened to me. I am not the only one out there who have experienced this but I guess I am the only one writing about it. My occupation use to be a professor at Harvard University in biology and theology. I know, two interesting subjects. I use to be one who knew it all. Knowledge was my key to power, status, and success. However, one day, all of that drastically changed by one encounter I had with someone of a different kind. Or I wasn’t that different from them. Most people probably won’t believe this story but I am not here to persuade you to believe me. I am writing this to share what changed my life, the rest is up to you to figure out. So here it goes....
The sun is setting over the coast of California. The spray of the ocean against my face is so refreshing due to experiencing a hot summer day. The waves swells up to about ten feet in height. Good wave to go surfing. Birds swarming around the sea diving for fish like bees in a beehive. I sit and watch, gitty as a child mesmerized and in awe about my surroundings. Suddenly, a sharp pain protrudes the right side of my head. A warm substance began to flow down my face like water. I touched my head and the substance was red, apparently blood. The sun became even more dim, my sight really foggy and then the lights goes out....

“What the.....??” Thinking to myself. My head is throbbing. I kinda feel whoozing, confused and a little disoriented. What happened? Wait a minute, last thing I remember was journaling in front of the ocean. Where am I? Daniel looks around this conspicuous land and it doesn’t seem familiar at all. “Ahh, my head really hurts!” He paused. “Wait a minute, that’s weird. As soon as the pain was there--the pain left just as quickly.” Puzzled he continues to wonder around the place. 
 My thoughts are suddenly crystal clear. Hey! What’s going on with my eyes? Daniel wears prescription glasses due to being near sighted;however, putting his glasses on made his eye sight blurred. I can see. I have perfect vision now. This is strange, what is happening to me?
Curious as a mouse he explored and discovered to his left what looked like flowers but he wasn’t sure. Daniel majored in biology and had his fair share of studying different types of animals and even plant life. However, these so-called ‘flowers’ were more like a hybrid. He describes them as a cross between lilies and orchids. And the colors were nothing he has ever seen before. He could describe it has purple but to the nth degree and more transparent and also blue but not quite blue. When you look up, there were no horizon just this permanent brightness. The sky didn’t begin anywhere nor did it end, it was this eternal ribbon of just Northern lights. Where is the sun? All this light but no sun. The sun has to be around here somewhere. All his knowledge, degrees, or theories couldn’t prepare him for what he was seeing and experiencing. Daniel was use to explaining things to students, but now he was stumped. He just didn’t know the answer and for him that was quite unsettling, yet peaked his interest even more.
I walked over to a what looked like a tree. This plant life had a trunk with the color of roses and the branches were moving. How is this possible? No wind, and yet the branches are moving almost like their dancing to a song that only they can hear. He walked up closer to the tree and pressed his ear against it. He doesn’t know what compelled him to do that. “That’s IMPOSSIBLE!” Baffled by what he was hearing. “NO WAY! This tree or whatever it humming! Humming a melody or a song or something!” “I think my mind is playing tricks on me. Or maybe I actually have a severe head injure and all of this is just an hallucination.”
None of this makes any sense. This can’t be real. I wanted to scream but couldn’t. I wanted to shriek in terror but calmness overtook me. Fear or angst were unwelcome guest in this place and weren’t even allowed to make an appearance. Just a sweet euphoric sense of just everything is o.k., I had nothing to fear, and that everything I was experiencing was good.
You know what the only way to explain this is that I am dead and I am in heaven” Daniel scratches his head and rubs his face. “Yep! Exactly it...maybe I fell off the cliff and just smashed my head against a rock and I drowned insistently.” “Or maybe I’ve been abducted by aliens...I knew it. I tried to tell my colleagues they exist but everyone thought I was luny.” Explanation after explanation formed in his mind to try to comfort him; however, the more he tried, the more perplexed he became. As much as these things were be possibilities--something on the inside of him told it just doesn’t fit. So what was the explanation if there was one?

1 comment:

  1. You got me! I am anxiously awaiting the next installment Tonya! Yay for this new and exciting Blog!
